
Archive for the ‘What is Infant Massage’ Category

Infant Massage Class

Infant Massage class is a great way to know other families. It is a fun filled experience for parents to share their delights and problems encountered while taking care of baby. Babies also get a chance to socialise and interact with other babies.

Infant massage class is designed for infants 0-12mths old. However, upon learning the massage skill, infant massage can be done on children all the way to adolescent. As the child grows, techniques and strokes are changed accordingly to accommodate for change in size.

Why learn Infant Massage from Kids Home Therapy?

Infant massage class at Kids Home Therapy is conducted by paediatric physiotherapist who is experienced in handling babies from premature to special needs. Besides teaching the strokes, valuable parenting tips will be shared and topics on child development will be covered. Infant massage class at Kids Home Therapy is not only about the massage strokes; it is also about equipping parents with better child care knowledge.

How can I sign up for infant massage class?

You can find out more information about the class at To sign up, please kindly email







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